To go to secret menu hided, please follow below steps
Turn on device, press top menu 3 second and release, we will go to below setting page
Enter TTL & IMEI PAGE by press power button
Press Menu Button to scrool down auto IMEI and apply
Press Menu Button to scrool down apply fixed TTL
Other Setting
The device can bypass battery mean work with removed battery
take note battery always shown 100% after this function activated
After disable battery , shut down modem, remove battery (not to use battery)
and use usb cable only
1 Device cannot use to charge battery
2 The battery will no response to device
3 Use only cable
Step 1 Go to menu , select Disable battery
Step 2 After Enter Battery Menu , Select Disable
Step 3 : Successful selected screen as shown below, turn off device, remove battery, plug in usb cable to power adaptor or PC